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Jack & Trudy's Wedding


It was truly and honor and blessing to photograph the wedding of internationally renowned authors and teachers Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman. Their wedding was officiated by world renowned author and spiritual teacher Ram Dass. I am posting this blog In honor their First Wedding Anniversary.

From Trudy while on Honeymoon:

"Wow, Richard we are over-the-moon happy with your photos here on our honeymoon!!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DANA of taking them. We look forward to buying lots of them from you.

You are amazing. it was so good you could stay and have dinner with everyone!

One year later, Trudy upon receipt of their wedding album on the Wedding Anniversary:

Yes, dear Richard, it’s amazing that you got this to us on our anniversary! So thoughtful!!

And the way you did the pages & layout & photo segments, you are a wonderful artist. We feel so grateful for your willingness to be our photographer; we are truly fortunate to have such a gorgeous book to show our families and friends — as a vivid tribute and reminder of the JOY and LOVE — still happening, happy to say!"

Big hug,


From Jack while on Honeymoon:

Hi Richard....... Trudy and I are on the big island happily reminiscing over our best ever wedding day. And feeling much gratitude to you Richard, ...your skill and care and creativity were a big part of it. And fun! It was also very sweet of you to stay and be a part of our "wedding party dinner" with Ram Dass. We'll treasure the photos you took ......and your support means a lot. We are thinking if sending out just 3-4 pictures with a shirt nite soon, ones from the garden ceremony, of us and of us and RD. If you can select just a few that would be great. Then later we will look at them all, and joyfully order books and photos. Also now I am remembering more clearly images of you back at our Spirit Rock time. Grateful for that too. Hope you are enjoying the day as much as we are! Much Metta, Jack

From Jack on their wedding Annivesary:

Dear wonderful Richard,

The book came on our anniversary.The photography is fabulous...... beautiful and truly artful .....we laughed and celebrated seeing it.

Thank you deeply for this special gift and your kind and caring spirit helping us remember this special event.

FYI We are still very happily married. 🙂

Metta, Jack

A star at dawn, a drop of dew, an echo, a rainbow and a dream. - Buddha

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